FOIA Notice:

The Three Rivers Soil and Water Conservation District Freedom of Information Act Officer (FOIA) serves as a point of contact for the public in requesting public records and to coordinate the Districts’ compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

To submit a FOIA request to the TRSWCD contact:
Michelle Carter, District Manager
221 Duke Street, Tappahannock, VA 22560

Effective July 1, 2016, the Three Rivers Soil & Water Conservation District (TRSWCD) will charge for producing records as a result of requests made under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

In accordance with those provisions outlined in the Code of Virginia (§ 2.2-3704), the following fees will be accessed for searching, accessing, duplicating, and supplying records (which includes redaction):
Hourly Rate: $25/hour; minimum 1 hour; all subsequent time to be charged in 15-minute increments at the rate of $6.25/15-minute

Copy & Printing Fees:
Black & White Copies – .02/side
Color Copies – .07/side

If it is anticipated that a request will total more than $200, the requester will be provided with an estimate of those fees in advance and a full deposit will be required in advance of the records being released.

Additionally, the TRSWCD will not proceed with processing subsequent FOIA requests from the same requester where the requester owes the TRSWCD for previous requests for records that have remained unpaid 30 days or more after billing.

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The Office

Business Hours

  • Monday – Friday – 8:30am to 4:30pm
  • Saturday – Closed
  • Sunday – Closed