Fruit Sales with King William FFA and King William Farm Bureau

January 24, 2024

In a joint effort, Three Rivers Soil and WaterConservation District (TRSWCD), King WilliamFarm Bureau Board, and the Women’s CommitteeBoard of the King William Farm Bureau purchased fruit to support King William High School FutureFarmers of America (FFA). A total of 93 boxes of fruit were purchased for the children at CoolSprings Elementary Primary School and Acquinton Elementary School. Sixteen volunteers bagged the fruit on December 5th before the bags were delivered to the school and handed out to the students the next morning to enjoy while home during the Holiday Break. A huge thank you to KingWilliam FFA, King William Farm Bureau, and theWomen’s Committee. Another huge thanks to Betsy Piersa and the volunteers who helped bag the fruit as well as the following gentlemen who helped deliver the fruit to the schools: Kenny Wood, Owen Johnson, Brian Johnson, JN Mills, Charlie Piersa and our own Waring Baylor.

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